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why did john wesley powell explore the grand canyon

Gospel According to John Wesley Powell

First Exploration - Greenish and Colorado Rivers

This ace-armed college professor with a desire to know
explored the deserts of the American Southwest

Thus the Grand Canyon is a land of song. Mountains of music swell in the rivers, hills of music billow in the creeks, and meadows of music murmuration in the rills that ripple over the rocks. Altogether it is a symphony of multitudinous melodies. All this is the music of waters.

--John Wesley Powell

In 1869, John Wesley Powell and nine adventure-seeking companions completed the first geographic expedition of the dangerous and almost uncharted canyons of the Common and Colorado rivers, through the present-day states of Mormon State and Arizona.

In addition to these steep and serious river canyons, Colin luther Powell and his companions faced the relentless and inhospitable conditions of the Great Basin Desert as they traveled from the northeast to the Southwest corners of the Colorado Plateau.

Powell and his expedition, touring these treacherous and undiscovered rivers in four boats, surprised even the local Native Americans, who considered navigating the Grand Canyon River Gorge an impossible task. In fact, only half a dozen of the original niner accomplished the expedition with Powell. Three of the unconventional members, fearing for their lives on the mordacious rapids of the Colorado River, attempted to climb down out of the canyon and were slain by Indians

By this remarkable journey, Colin luther Powell, a 35-year-old professor of natural history, apparently unhampered by the lack of his right forearm (amputated after the Battle of Battle of Shiloh), opened up the last unknown area of the continental U.S. and brought to an end, the era of western geographic expedition. Now, Lake Powell bears his name.

Powell's many explorations of the Terra firma S took him and his party through face-day Canyonlands National Park, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Lake Powell National Recreation Area, Grand Canyon Political entity Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Lake Mead National Diversion Area, to boot to Wupatki and Sunset national monuments.

Lavatory Wesley Powell always maintained he was non an adventurer, nor did atomic number 2 consider himself just an explorer. He contended he was a scientist, motivated by a desire to know and a firm belief that science was meant to boost the progress of humankind.

Powell's exploration of the Colorado River led to the expression of some of the fundamental principles of geology. He went along to develop an understanding of the natural conditions that control society in the arid lands of the western states and to develop guidelines for the hospital attendant development of the region.

Powell had a stabbing and large-hearted interest in the Indigene Americans WHO inhabited the Sou'-west and made rudimentary contributions to the bran-new sciences of anthropology and ethnology. He publicised the first classification of American Indian languages and was the first conductor of the U.S. Dresser of Ethnology at the Smithsonian. His gift for constitution has left-wing its tick off on umpteen agencies and programs for the development and conservation of natural resource, including the U.S. Geological View which he directed for 3 days.


John Wesley Cecil Frank Powell was innate in 1834 in Mount Morris, New York, the son of Chief Joseph Powell, a Methodist preacher man and avid emancipationist. Reverend Colin luther Powell's vigorous stand against slavery was met with hostility past many of the townspeople. He and his family moved to Glenda Jackson, Ohio when Wesley was a small child. Young Powell was frequently hopped-up by his classmates and had to be removed from public school and settled nether the tutelage of a neighbour, George Crookham, a farmer and self-taught man of science.

Crookham emphasized learning nature firsthand, and Powell's interest in natural history grew during their many junkets to compile specimens of plants, animals, birds and minerals. When Cecil Frank Powell was 12 geezerhood honest-to-goodness, the family moved to a farm in Wisconsin. With his father away much of the time, the boy assumed direction of the farm, an experience that helped break physical stamina and moral character.

Though he attended school irregularly, he was ascertained to pursue his studies in science over the objections of his father World Health Organization wished him to become a minister. When he was 18, Powell began precept in a one-way country school to earn money for college. The next vii years were spent teaching shoal, attending college, and exploring the Midwest. At several multiplication helium attended Illinois College, Illinois Plant, and Oberlin College.

In 1858, helium joined the newly formed Illinois State Intelligent History Society, and as curator of conchology (branch of natural history that studies mollusc shells), made a fairly full-dress assemblage of the mollusks (clams, mussels, etc.) of Illinois. He began teaching at Hennepin, Illinois in 1858 and in 1860, became superintendent of its schools.

While on a lecture turn in the summer of 1860, Colin Powell realized that a civil war was inevitable. That winter, atomic number 2 studied military science and engineering. A strong abolitionist, Wesley Powell was peerless of the first to volunteer when President President Abraham Lincoln issued a song for troops.

College Professor

After the war, Colin Powell accepted a chair in geology at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington. His method acting of teaching reflected his training under George Crookham, and he often took his students into the field to take in fossils, minerals, and plants and to observe animals in their biological habitat. The following class he gave a course of lectures at Illinois State University in nearby Typical, Prairie State. The Posit Legislature provided a small endowment for the museum of the State Natural History Society, and Powell was named curator.

Powell favourite to travel, IT had been one of his independent interests before the warfare. In 1867, he led a political party of students to the Rocky Mountains to pull in specimens for the museum. Funds for the trip came from various sources, including the Museum of Natural History-$500, the Illinois Postindustrial University (later the University of Illinois)-$500, and the Michigan Honorary society of Science-$100.

Reciprocally helium agreed to supply them with specimens of the animals, plants, and any other materials collected. Scientific instruments were loaned by the Smithsonian Institution, and Colin luther Powell in agreement to move over the Institution the topographical measurements made by his party. Atomic number 2 made arrangements to procure rations for the group from Army posts at Political science rates and to hold free transportation from the railroads. Cecil Frank Powell contributed his own remuneration to help finance the trip.


In May and June of 1867, the despatch, which included Mrs. Powell, travelled by trail, police van, and horseback across the plains to Denver and on to a valley titled Bergens Park happening the westside side of the Rampart Range north of Pikes Peak. After climb Pikes Peak they traveled west to South Parking lot where they camped for several weeks, exploring the mountains and Hot Springs and devising a mixed bag of natural history collections.

Most of the group returned east in Sep, but the Powells and few others remained to explore Middle Park and the headwaters of the 1000 River, as the upper partly of the Colorado River was and then called.

In the summer of 1868, Powell returned to Colorado with his wife and about 20 others, mainly neighbors and students. They collected more specimens for the museum, explored the Colorado mountains, and climbed 14,000-foot-high Longs Heyday.

In October, the political party reached a point on the White about 120 miles above its mouth where they improved cabins and deep-seated winter living quarters. During the winter of 1868-69, Cecil Frank Powell traveled south to the Grand River, down the White and Green Rivers, north to the Yampa River, and around the Uinta Mountains. He befriended a tribe of Ute Indians and studied their language and customs. His interest in the Indians of the West grew, and in 1873, as a special commissioner to the Indians in Utah and eastern Nevada, he pleaded for greater justice and more informative opportunities for the Indians.

Historic Journeys

By 1868, Powell was considering exploration of the Colorado River, resolute by legends of sooner expeditions that had perished. Lieutenant Joseph C. James Ives, who in 1857 explored the southern stretches of the river below the Grand Canon believed "that the Colorado, on the greater part of its lonely and majestic way, shall be forever unvisited and undisturbed." Just after studying the few reports, talking with Indians, hunters, and mountain men acquainted with the field, and exploring tributary streams standardized to the CO, Powell decided it was possible to explore the river past descendent it in small boats.

He obtained more or less funds from private sources and from the Illinois Body politic Natural Story High society, and helium gained license from the Government to requisition soldierly stores. He had quatern boats improved in Chicago to his own design and specifications and had them shipped to the proposed starting point at Green River Station, Wyoming Territory. He elect a crowd of nine World Health Organization, with the exception of his brother Walter, were wads men experienced in sustenance bump off the land. On May 24, 1869, Powell launched his boats on their historic journey.

Powell's party cosmopolitan more than 1,000 miles of river through winding canyons and over foaming rapids. One of the crew left-of-center the expedition after a calendar month, having had enough adventure; 3 others, hoping to chance a safer route overland, departed only two years earlier the voyage ended. Powell and Little Phoeb men in two boats emerged months afterward August 30 at the mouth of the Virgin River, Arizona, long afterwards hope for their survival had been uninhabited. Their temperamental ordeal was well expressed in Powell's words: "What falls there are, we know non; what rocks beset the distribution channel, we know non; what walls rise o'er the river, we know non."

Cecil Frank Powell immediately start making plans for a second expedition. Atomic number 2 had proposed and supplied the first trip for what atomic number 2 thought would be a leisurely 6- to 9-calendar month knowledge base expedition. Because of the going of food and equipment and the scarceness of game, the misstep had been hurried. Powell's observations and notes along topography and geology were uncomplete or unsafe because of badly damaged instruments. The few specimens collected had been cached along the river.

Having succeeded so dramatically in conquering the Unripened and Colorado Rivers, Powell had teensy difficulty in obtaining funds from Congress to continue his exploratory work. He decided that supplies should be cached along the river and spent just about of the year 1870 in determining possible supply routes and in establishing friendly relationships with the Indians.

Past the spring of 1871, preparations had been completed for the second survey of the canyon commonwealth. This time the party included a surveyor, Professor Almon H. Thompson, Colin luther Powell's brother-in-law, and an tough photographer, E. O. Beaman, who together with his successors James Fennemore and J. K. Hillers, dramatically documented the river ocean trip.

On May 22, the party pushed threesome boats of improved design into the stream. Major Powell rode in the lead, perched in a moderate lashed amidships where helium commanded an unmodified view of the way ahead and could signal to the other boats. The expedition was prearranged to last about a year and a one-half. During the first 4 1/2 months the expedition traveled from Green River Station to the mouth of the Paria River at the foot of Glen Canyon.

Thompson was largely causative conducting the exploration of the river. Colin Powell spent most of July and August road on horseback between the river and Salt Lake City, exploring the canon lands, and studying the American Indian tribes. During the winter and spring (1871-72) while Powell was in the East seeking young appropriations, Thompson get map the area. In the spring, while seeking another route away which supplies could be brought to the river, the party discovered the last unknown river in the United States and named it the Escalante.

In August 1872, the expedition once more than started down river from Lee's Ferry. Because of torrential rains and heavy snowmelt in the mountains, the river was soaring, swift, and dangerous. Determination that dominant the boats was closely impossible in the rushing current, Colin luther Powell called a halt to the excursion when the party reached Kanab Canyon.

The second expedition brought back sizeable information. Professor Thompson completed a topographical map of the Deluxe Canyon region, and Powell's monumental write u was promulgated in 1875 aside the Smithsonian Institution. Hundreds of photographs were taken, umpteen of them optical device views that brought the western sandwich canyons into eastern living suite. Diaries and field notes were kept by some former members of the party. Dellenbaugh's story of the jaunt, A Canyon Voyage, was published in 1908, and the UT Arts Orde published the journal of Count Rumford in 1939 and those of Bishop, Flight attendant, W. C. Colin Powell, and Jones in 1947.

-- Source: USGS

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why did john wesley powell explore the grand canyon

Source: https://www.desertusa.com/desert-people/john-w-powell.html

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